[Salon] Pompeo Doctrine

More on the Netanyahu Coalition, the U.S. "New Right.” This didn’t get sent earlier as I try and limit sending too much to so many ZioCons as are on this list, so as not to offend them. And therefore be their target for more name calling as one receives from the main spokesman of first, Trump, and then DeSantis. And other promoters of the Netanyahu Coalition in its war against the Palestinians and Iran, as promoters of Donald Trump and his Trumpite officials. And who join with the Israeli Fascist Right like Kohelet Forum, Yoram Hazony, et al., against the one minuscule sliver of legal resistance against all-out Settlerism in their on-going Judicial Coup. All together most correctly called the “Zionist Conservatives,” ZioCons, as Trump/DeSantis supporters best represent. As the Haaretz article I just shared described. 

But here is more on Aaron Bushnell, who martyred himself against Israeli/US genocide and their current genocidal war against Palestinians:

U.S. States West Bank Settlements Illegal, Reversing Trump Era 'Pompeo Doctrine'

Quote: "It's been longstanding U.S. policy under Republican and Democratic administrations alike that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching an enduring peace. They're also inconsistent with international law," said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he discussed his "disappointment" over Israel's announcement of new West Bank settlement construction.
"Informally known as the Pompeo Doctrine, the policy stated that Israeli settlements were "not per se inconsistent with international law." The change overturned a 1978 memo by State Department legal adviser Herbert Hansell that had deemed Israeli settlements beyond the 1949 armistice lines illegal.
"The policy was instituted by Trump a month before the 2020 presidential election. It was formulated by the Kohelet Policy Forum – the right-wing Israeli think tank behind Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial judicial overhaul efforts.
. . . 
"David Friedman, who was U.S. ambassador to Israel at the time of Pompeo's move, said: "Blinken is 100% wrong. I researched this for over a year with many State Department lawyers. There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their biblical homeland" Friedman added that "for Blinken to announce this in the middle of a war and when the Jewish Sabbath already has begun in Israel is unconscionable."

There’s no problem recognizing the distinction of Aaron’s morality, with Pompeo’s “Christian/Republican” so-called “morality” and the same of David Friedman’s “Settler/Republican morality. As the links aren’t “live” in this email, here’s the Republican Party’s/Trumpite New Right, position clearly stated by Pompeo, in a nicely produced video: 

This is the distinction between pro-Israeli Democrats like Biden, whose “Israeli loyalty” is bought by AIPAC, and pro-Israeli Trumpite Republicans, like Pompeo, Mike Johnson, et al., with the latter sort “True Believers” in Israeli Fascism. And of their national myths used as “real estate title claims,” in the way that Friedman “researched” who the OPT belongs to. 

And on that, read this string from Speaker Johnson of the House, so favored and anointed by the so-called "House Freedom Caucus,” and Trump, with this quote: "Trump, who is running for a second White House term, enthusiastically backed Johnson and said he will be 'a fantastic speaker.' Trump's allies saw Johnson's rise as a chance to give renewed rigor to their efforts to impeach Biden. 'I think Mike Johnson will approach this like a lawyer and like a tactician, not like a California lottery winner,' said Rep. Matt Gaetz, taking a swipe at how McCarthy once won $5,000 from a lotto ticket. Gaetz, R-Fla., was the leader of the band of Republicans who ousted McCarthy." https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/new-speaker-mike-johnson-holds-favor-with-conservatives-can-he-unite-the-g/)

Gaetz, the so-called “Right-wing Peacenik,” leading the charge for war against China, Iran, and the Palestinians, and “mopping up Russia” afterward, as Ex. A for today’s insanity when he, and the Republicans, can be charged in any way for being for “Peace.” Except in the way this guy was: https://politicalscience.osu.edu/faculty/jmueller/HITPEACE.pdf

And this guy (and his “Leader) is: 

"Ambassador David Friedman is absolutely correct. This is a shameful decision.    "The Jewish people have a historic and legal right to live in the land of Israel including in Judea and Samaria - the biblical heartland. It is an absolute disgrace the Biden administration would issue this decision, especially as Israel fights terrorists on multiple fronts that seek Israel’s destruction and as more than 130 hostages remain in Gaza.   "The Biden Administration must stop undermining Israel and facilitating efforts to delegitimize Israel. It is misguided and unconscionable."

Jewish Insider is one of those media platforms pushing a pro-Trump line, like  

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Jewish Insider | Daily Kickoff
February 26th, 2024
Good Monday morning.

In today’s Daily Kickoff, we report on Rep. Summer Lee’s upcoming appearance at a Council for American-Islamic Relations fundraiser alongside speakers who have made antisemitic comments, and interview David Lubin, who is mounting a bid for Georgia’s state Senate following his daughter’s death in a November terror attack in Jerusalem. Also in today’s Daily Kickoff: Kurt Campbell, Robert Satloff and Ronald Lauder.

A question from a reporter on Friday sparked a weekend showdown over Israel policy between Secretary of State Tony Blinken and his predecessor, Mike Pompeo, after Blinken announced the Biden administration’s restoration of previous U.S. policy deeming Israeli settlements “illegitimate” under international law.

Blinken, speaking in Argentina, told a reporter that Israel’s planned construction of 3,300 new settlements on the edge of Ma’ale Adumim in the West Bank, which was announced following a terror attack in the West Bank last week in which one Israeli was killed and seven injured, was “inconsistent with international law.”

Pompeo, the country’s top diplomat for the majority of the Trump administration, had rescinded the policy in November 2019, ending a Carter-era legal determination, penned by Herbert Hansell, then a State Department legal advisor, that called settlements “illegitimate.” Subsequent administrations upheld the policy, largely referring to settlements as an “obstacle to peace.”

John Kirby, the White House’s national security spokesman,said that Blinken’s announcement was consistent with prior Democratic and Republican administrations, adding that “If there's an administration that is being inconsistent, it was the previous one."

A day after Blinken’s comments, Pompeo tweeted that “Enacting anti-Israel policies after 10/7 rewards terrorism. And it’s worse — it sends a dangerous message to all our adversaries.”

On Sunday, Pompeo posted a video from the Israeli settlement of Shiloh, saying that “Judea and Samaria” — also known as the West Bank — “are the rightful homeland of the people of Israel. And they always will be.”

Republican lawmakers slammed the administration for the policy change, describing it as an unjustified insult to Israel and gift to Hamas, aimed at appeasing progressive voters.

“The Jewish people have a historic and legal right to live in the land of Israel including in Judea and Samaria — the biblical heartland,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who stayed overnight in Gush Etzion in the West Bank during a 2020 trip, said. “It is an absolute disgrace that the Biden administration would issue this decision, especially as Israel fights terrorists on multiple fronts… The Biden administration must stop undermining Israel and facilitating efforts to delegitimize Israel.” Johnson has previously described the region as “portions of [Israel].”

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